Finding The One

Dating is the most important part of selecting an eternal companion. It’s important to date around and get to know as many people as you can so that you can see what qualities you like and don’t like in a person and figure out what you want when you are looking for a husband or wife. I know that I have been on dates where there was things I liked in a person and things I didn’t like very much.
This is my second semester here at BYUI and when I came up here, I expected that I was going to get some schooling done first before I get married and that I was only going to go on dates. When I got up here, I went on a few dates with this one guy and realized that he did not have some traits that I wanted in a person and decided that I was going to try and go on dates with other people. A couple days later, I went on a date with a guy who immediately I enjoyed spending time with him. We went out more and more and started spending a lot of time together. We started dating a week and a half later after we met and are still dating to this day. I realized that there are so many good things about him. I love everything about him and I love that we have the same standards. We are aware of each other’s feelings and want the best for each other. He has all the qualities that I have wanted in someone and didn’t think it was possible to find all of them because I had gone on dates with other people where they just didn’t have what I was looking for. We are now about to get engaged and plan on getting married in this upcoming Summer. My mom once told me that if you can spend 24/7 with that person and never get sick of them, then they are the one. I never thought that I would come up to school finding the perfect person for me. The definition of love is an intense feeling of deep affection. I know that I have felt this real love with my soon to be husband.
It’s important to find someone that you know you will never get sick of being with. It’s important to be aware of each other’s likes and dislikes and find dates that you and that person can do together that you’ll both enjoy. I also think that it’s important to find the time to go on dates. Even though life gets busy, it’s important to find the time, even when your married, to go on dates so that you can keep a strong relationship between you and that person.
I think that one thing to consider in a person is by using RAM. RAM stands for Relationship Attachment Model. The RAM teaches us how balancing all five bonding dynamics can determine the healthiness of your relationship and the clarity of your perspective of your partner. They interact with each other to produce a mix of overall attachment in a relationship and help to determine how a relationship should be. These five bonding dynamics are know, trust, rely, commit, and touch. I know that I have used this model to help determine the kind of person I want to be with, and even marry. These dynamics should all be balanced to keep a relationship, or even marriage strong. I am grateful to be able to have this model and be able to use it in my life to create a strong relationship with my boyfriend.


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